
作者: 杰希拉, ISACA悉尼分会董事
发表日期: 2024年1月31日

It is an exciting time to be a cybersecurity professional in Australia. 我们雄心勃勃的目标是到2030年成为网络安全领域的全球领导者,这引起了全球同事的关注, with our six cyber shields’ strategy to safeguard our nation.


While cybersecurity—and achieving digital resilience—is an enormous priority for the Australian government, 我们想了解我们的全球同事认为在2024年及以后创造一个更安全的数字星球的最佳策略和想法.

Does Australia’s approach align with their own priorities and beliefs? 他们与我们的六个护盾中哪一个最能产生共鸣?

在广阔的视野中, 我们将在这篇博文中分享, 人们普遍认为,支撑政府数字信任战略的六大屏障是一种明智的做法, 与世界其他地区相比,这是一个相对年轻且不断增长的行业.

澳大利亚的计划与全球网络安全领导者希望在他们的世界角落实施的倡议之间存在强烈的一致性, 特别是那些关注意识和教育的项目, 使我们的公民能够更好地保护自己.


While the government is set to unveil more specifics around each shield over the coming months, 我们知道他们主要关注以下几个方面:

盾1 is to raise awareness of cybersecurity among citizens and businesses, 加深对网络威胁的了解,以及他们可以采取的保护自己的措施,以便在被入侵后快速恢复.

盾2 will set a minimum cybersecurity standard for digital safety in products, requiring optimal security to be embedded in development from the outset. 这种保护将增加消费者和澳门赌场官方下载的信心,当在澳大利亚购买数字产品时, 使用起来很安全.

盾3 提议交换, 实时地, of world-class threat intelligence sharing between government and business, enabling threats to be blocked before causing harm to Australian businesses and citizens.

盾4 focuses on protecting critical infrastructure and building reliable services including water, 能源和医疗保健.

盾5 会看到主权能力的提升吗, with a focus on building a “thriving cyber ecosystem” with the right cyber skills in place. 它将专注于建设网络劳动力, ensuring it is a desirable profession for young people.

盾6 将建立一个有弹性的地区,认识到我们在与邻国合作打击全球网络威胁时更加强大. 澳大利亚将专注于加强全球伙伴关系,并支持本地区那些网络安全控制薄弱的国家.

Let’s delve into the perspectives of global cybersecurity leaders:

API安全专家, 人才开发, 国际演说家, 性别共融倡导者, 2023年世界网络安全女性, 2021年奥巴马基金会非洲领导人奖学金

的信心, who is passionate about ensuring cybersecurity is a desirable profession now and into the future, 屏蔽5共振. 信心重视早期教育,并为初级毕业生提供更多的学徒机会. 对澳门赌场官方下载促进多元化的财务激励也是一项倡议,Confidence希望看到它能够在全球范围内提高数字安全.

“As we strive to keep the data of our citizens and organizations safe, 全面的方法是关键, 处理人员, 招聘, 培训和教育. 

“说到教育, fostering an interest in technology and digital safety from a young age is paramount. Diversity in cybersecurity is not just an option but a necessity. 政府部门和教育机构可以在国家一级实施一些倡议, including cybersecurity challenges or competitions in schools and colleges, 及早培养天赋和好奇心.

“我也坚信在学校课程中引入网络安全模块来教育学生数字安全, but also with a long-term vision to generate interest and boost an under-resourced sector.

“这可能导致在学校创建人才孵化器,以帮助感兴趣的学生扩展他们的知识, leading to an uptake of apprenticeships for entry-level graduates.

“Driving innovative cyber solutions relies on a diverse and inclusive team. 鼓励组织促进多样性和展示包容性的一种方法是为那些积极扩大网络员工代表性和包容性的组织提供税收激励. 我们知道,更好的信息研究和新网络技术的发展是不同观点和思维过程的结果, so helping organizations achieve this with financial incentives is a solid investment.

“As the Australian government implements its new cyber strategy, 我认为重要的是要认识到组织遵守新规定所需要的承诺和投资, 这可以通过认证来实现. This would boost an organization’s reputation and credibility among key stakeholders, 是客户, 供应商及员工, but also help customers identify those organizations they feel safe doing business with.”

Alexandra Mercz,新加坡
创始人和前幕僚长, 全球银行业经验, fintech, 消费品, 国际CISO和COO, 为科技领域的女性争光

反思需要做些什么来帮助打击恶意行为者和提高全球网络安全行业的弹性, Alexandra agrees with Australia’s six shields approach—in particular, 盾牌1, 3, 5和6,重点是意识, 培训, 合作与教育.

“The general public has enormous power to support cybersecurity experts, by increasing their own personal security and knowing when and how to report suspicious activity. A nationwide 网络安全 Education and Awareness Program is integral to achieving long-term digital safety. This includes integrating modules into school curriculums, conducting corporate 培训 and generating public awareness campaigns.

“我们在一起会更强大, 因此,探索行业领导者与市民和中小型澳门赌场官方下载合作的潜力会带来许多好处. 提供免费或补贴访问高级网络安全工具,确保每个公民和小澳门赌场官方下载, 无论他们的技术水平或预算如何, 有办法装备自己吗.

“Increasing the size of the global cybersecurity workforce, 在保证真实表现的同时, 迫在眉睫的. 网络安全奖学金很重要, 赞助, 向人求教, and growth opportunities are fairly distributed among all demographics, 包括代表性不足的群体. 我们必须继续与致力于促进代表性不足群体的组织合作,包括网络安全女性(Women in 网络安全, WiCyS)和 One In Tech—to ensure programs are tailored to support and attract a diverse range of cyber professionals.

“Australia’s 盾3 focuses on advanced threat intelligence platforms that offer real-time analysis. 在这, 我认为我们必须利用量子密钥分发(QKD)网络在关键的国家基础设施之间进行超安全通信. 可以结合使用先进的人工智能建模, 例如神经网络时间序列预测, and real-time global threat intelligence correlation from agencies like INTERPOL's Cybercrime Directorate.

“最终, 创建数字安全星球的一个强有力的解决方案是各国共同应对跨越国界的挑战, 正如澳大利亚在《澳门赌场官方软件》中概述的那样. I support the creation of a ‘Global 网络安全 Accord’ at platforms like the United Nations, where member countries commit to mutual defense against cyber threats, 类似于北约的共同防御原则. 这不仅包括共享情报,还包括在网络安全解决方案的研发方面进行合作, 建立全球防御共同威胁的盾牌.”

Dr. Carrine 销量,马来西亚
方案, 债券持有, 南大马来西亚校友会副总裁, 马来西亚女性从事安保工作, 2021年东盟网络安全女性30强

为博士. 销量, intelligence sharing and the need for clear reporting channels for citizens and companies are priorities.

“Sharing information and global trends is key to combatting malicious actors. 对我来说, 护盾3号和护盾6号协同工作, 由于跨境合作伙伴关系自然会鼓励信息共享,全球视角将有助于当地的网络犯罪调查.

“If a breach does occur, citizens and businesses need clear reporting channels. 随着当局为应对攻击的增加而调整和加强该行业的监管,这一点变得更加重要. I know many citizens and small businesses that feel helpless and unsure of next steps, 以及他们的责任, 一旦违约发生.

“我们都在努力应对一个资源不足的行业, 教育需要更多的榜样, encourage and demonstrate to the younger generation what a cybersecurity role actually entails. 我们必须消除常见的误解,因为我们展示了我们行业的广泛影响方面,并让毕业生对等待我们的回报和挑战的职业感到兴奋.”

The insights from global experts reinforce our optimism for the future of our industry. 虽然我们在地理上是分开的, there is alignment in our cybersecurity approach and similar emphasis on key areas that can drive real change, 比如教育, 培训和公众意识.

如果世界各地的学生或IT专业人士有机会考虑在澳大利亚或世界任何地方进入网络安全领域, 应该是现在. Demand is growing as organizations look to replicate and adhere to developing government policies, 我们需要一个熟练的, 多元化和积极的部门推动这一进程.
